Keywords in Python

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Keywords in Python are reserved words that hold special predefined meanings and form the foundation of the language’s syntax. They cannot be used as identifiers, including variable names, function names, or any other custom labels. There are 35 keywords.

Table of Python Keywords

TRUERepresents the Boolean value true.c = True
FALSERepresents the Boolean value false.a = False
NoneRepresents a null value or “nothing.”b = None
andLogical AND operator.if x > 0 and x < 10:
orLogical OR operator.if x > 0 or y > 0:
notLogical NOT operator.if not x:
isTests object identity.if x is None:
inCheck if a value exists within a collection.if ‘a’ in my_list:
ifStarts a conditional statement.if x > 10:
elifElse if condition in an if statement.if x > 10: elif x > 5:
elseExecutes a block of code if the if condition is false.if x > 10: else:
forCreates a for loop.for i in range(10):
whileCreates a while loop.while x < 10:
breakTerminates the nearest enclosing loop.for i in range(10): if i == 5: break
continueSkips the rest of the loop iteration.for i in range(10): if i % 2 == 0: continue
passA null statement, a placeholder.def empty_function(): pass
defUsed to define a function or method.def my_function():
returnExits a function and returns a value.return x + y
lambdaCreates an anonymous function.lambda x: x + 1
nonlocalDeclares a non-local variable.nonlocal x
globalDeclares a global x
awaitPauses execution of async functions.await fetch_data()
importUsed to import modules.import math
fromImports specific parts of a module.from math import pi
asUsed to create an alias. Commonly used in import statements.import math as m
classUsed to define a class.class MyClass:
trySpecifies exception handling.try: raise ValueError
exceptCatches exceptions in try/except blocks.try: except ValueError:
finallyExecutes code regardless of exceptions.try: finally:
raiseRaises an exception.raise ValueError
assertFor debugging purposes, to test if a condition is true.assert x == 10
delDeletes objects.del my_variable
asyncDeclares an asynchronous function.async def fetch_data()
withWraps the execution of a block of code.with open(‘file.txt’) as f:
yieldUsed in generators to return a value.yield x

Note: will understand each and everything in upcoming individual topics.

Key Points to Remember

  • Immutable: Keywords are case-sensitive and must be written in lowercase.
  • Reserved: They cannot be used as identifiers like variable names, function names, or class names.
  • Evolving Language: New keywords may be added in future Python versions.
  • Special Purposes: Each keyword serves a specific role in controlling the flow, structure, and behavior of the code.


Keywords are important to Python’s syntax and are used to define the language’s structure and logic. Keywords are essential for writing effective and clear Python code.

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