Comprehensive Guide to String Manipulation in Python

The string is a sequence of characters enclosed in a single (‘ ‘)  or double (” “)  or triple quotes (”’ ”’ or “””  “””).

  • Immutable: Once created, strings cannot be modified. Any operation that alters a string will return a new string.
  • Indexed: Each character in a string has a unique index (starting at 0 for the first character).
  • Iterable: Strings are iterable, meaning you can loop through each character using a for loop.

Creating Strings

# Using single, double, or triple quotes
str1 = 'Hello'
str2 = "World"
str3 = '''Triple quotes are useful for
multi-line strings'''

# Creating Empty string
empty_str_1 = ' '
empty_str_2 = str()

print(str1)  # Output: Hello
print(str2)  # Output: World
print(str3)  # Output: Triple quotes are useful for multi-line strings

print(empty_str_1) # Output: = ' '
print(empty_str_2) # Output: = ' '

String Indexing and Slicing

course = "Python"

# Indexing
print(course[0])     # Output: P
print(course[-1])    # Output: n (last character)

# Slicing
print(course[1:4])   # Output: yth (from index 1 to 3)
print(course[:3])    # Output: Pyt (from start to index 2)
print(course[2:])    # Output: thon (from index 2 to the end)
print(course[::-1])  # Output: nohtyP (reversed string)

Example: Reverse a String:

s = "advanced"
reversed_s = s[::-1]
print(reversed_s)  # Output: "decnavda"

Mathematical Operators for String

In Python, you can use certain operators with strings:

  1. Concatenation (+): Combines two strings into one.
  2. Repetition (*): Duplicates the string a given number of times.


print("KSR" + " DATAVIZON")  # Result: KSR DATAVIZON
print("KSR" * 3)       # Result: KSRKSRKSR

Important points:

  1. The + operator can only concatenate if both values are strings.
  2. The * operator works when one value is a string and the other is an integer.

Common Functions for Strings

len()Returns the number of characters in a string.
min()Returns the smallest character in a string based on Unicode.
max()Returns the largest character in a string based on Unicode.
reversed()Returns an iterator that accesses the string in reverse order.
sorted()Returns a sorted list of the characters in a string.


hw = "Hello, World!"

# 1. Length of the string
length = len(hw)  # Returns the number of characters
print(f"Length: {length}")  

# 2. Minimum character
smallest_char = min(hw)  # Returns the smallest character based on Unicode
print(f"Smallest character: '{smallest_char}'")  

# 3. Maximum character
largest_char = max(hw)  # Returns the largest character based on Unicode
print(f"Largest character: '{largest_char}'")  

# 4. Reversed string
reversed_string = ''.join(reversed(hw))  # Reverses the string
print(f"Reversed string: '{reversed_string}'")  

# 5. Sorted characters
sorted_chars = sorted(hw)  # Returns a sorted list of characters
print(f"Sorted characters: {sorted_chars}") 

1. Changing Case:

  • str.upper(): Converts all letters in the string to uppercase.
  • str.lower(): Converts all letters in the string to lowercase.
  • str.capitalize(): Capitalizes the first letter of the string.
  • str.title(): Capitalizes the first letter of each word in the string.
s = "hello world"
upper_s = s.upper()         
lower_s = s.lower()         
capitalized_s = s.capitalize()  
title_s = s.title()

print(upper_s) 		# Output: "HELLO WORLD"
print(lower_s) 		# Output: "hello world"
print(capitalized_s) 	# Output: "Hello world"
print(title_s) 		# Output: "Hello World"

2. Stripping Whitespace:

  • str.strip(): Removes whitespace from both the beginning and end of the string.
  • str.rstrip(): Removes whitespace from the end of the string only.
  • str.lstrip(): Removes whitespace from the beginning of the string only
hw = "  Hello, World!  "
print(hw.strip())  # Output: 'Hello, World!'
print(hw.lstrip()) # Output: 'Hello, World!  ' (removes left-side space)
print(hw.rstrip()) # Output: '  Hello, World!' (removes right-side space)

3. Replacing Substrings:

  • str.replace(old, new): Replaces all occurrences of the specified old substring with a new substring.
phrase = "I love Python"
new_phrase = phrase.replace("love", "enjoy")
print(new_phrase)  # Output: I enjoy Python

4. Splitting and Joining Strings:

  • str.split(delim): Splits the string into a list using the specified delimiter.
  • str.join(iterable): Joins elements of an iterable (like a list) into a single string, using the string as a separator.
sentence = "Python is fun"
words = sentence.split()  # Split by whitespace (default)
print(words)  # Output: ['Python', 'is', 'fun']

words_2 = sentence.split('i') # Split by i
print(words_2) # Output: ['Python ', 's fun']

joined = " ".join(words)  # Join the list back into a string
print(joined)  # Output: Python is fun

5. Finding Substrings

  • find(substring): Returns the index of the first occurrence of the substring. Returns -1 if not found.
  • rfind(substring): Returns the index of the last occurrence of the substring. Returns -1 if not found.
  • find(substring, begin_index, end_index): Searches for the substring within the specified range. Returns -1 if not found.
  • index(substring): Similar to find(), but raises a ValueError if the substring is not found.
  • rindex(substring): Similar to rfind(), but raises a ValueError if the substring is not found.
s = "Exploring data with Python is fun"
print(s.find("data"))    # Output: 10  (First occurrence of "data")
print(s.find("SQL"))     # Output: -1  (Since "SQL" is not found)
print(s.find("i"))       # Output: 17  (First occurrence of "i")
print(s.rfind("i"))      # Output: 28  (Last occurrence of "i")

# Additional examples with a range: 
print(s.find('a', 7, 15)) # Output: 10 (First occurrence of 'a' between index 7 and 15) print(s.find('z', 7, 15)) # Output: -1 (Since 'z' is not found in the range)

s2 = "Machine learning with Python is powerful"
print(s2.index("learning"))  # Output: 8   (First occurrence of "learning")
print(s2.index("Python"))    # Output: 23  (First occurrence of "Python")
print(s2.index("i"))         # Output: 4   (First occurrence of "i")
print(s2.rindex("i"))        # Output: 34  (Last occurrence of "i")

# Uncommenting the following line will raise a ValueError because "KSR" is not in the string
# print(s.index("KSR"))     # ValueError: substring not found

6. Checking if String is Alphabetic or Numeric

  • str.isdigit(): Returns True if all characters in the string are digits; otherwise, returns False.
  • str.isalpha(): Returns True if all characters in the string are alphabetic; otherwise, returns False.
  • str.isalnum(): Returns True if all characters in the string are alphanumeric (contains both letters and numbers); otherwise, returns False
print("Python".isalpha())  # Output: True (all characters are alphabetic)
print("12345".isdigit())   # Output: True (all characters are digits)
print("Python123".isalnum())  # Output: True (all characters are alphanumeric)

7. Counting substring in the given String:

  • str.count(substring): Returns the number of non-overlapping occurrences of the specified substring in the string
s = "hellohellohelloworld"
print(s.count('o'))         # Output: 4   (Counts occurrences of 'o')
print(s.count('hello'))     # Output: 3   (Counts occurrences of 'hello')
print(s.count('l', 5, 15))  # Output: 3   (Counts occurrences of 'l' between index 5 & 15)

8. Alignment Methods for string

  • : This method returns a string that is centered within a given width, padded with spaces by default.
  • str.ljust(width): This method makes a string left-aligned in a given width, adding spaces to the right.
  • str.rjust(width): This method makes a string left-aligned in a given width, adding spaces to the left.
text = "Hello"

# Center the text
centered =
print(f"Centered: '{centered}'")  # Output: '  Hello   '

# Left-justify the text
left_justified = text.ljust(10)
print(f"Left-justified: '{left_justified}'")  # Output: 'Hello     '

# Right-justify the text
right_justified = text.rjust(10)
print(f"Right-justified: '{right_justified}'")  # Output: '     Hello'

9. Checking starting and ending part of the string:

  • s.startswith(substring): Returns True if the string starts with the specified substring; otherwise, returns False.
  • s.endswith(substring): Returns True if the string ends with the specified substring; otherwise, returns False.
s = "Hello, world!"
print(s.startswith("Hello"))  # Output: True
print(s.startswith("world"))   # Output: False

print(s.endswith("world!"))  # Output: True
print(s.endswith("Hello"))    # Output: False

10. Check type of characters present in a string:

  • str.islower(): Returns True if all characters in the string are lowercase letters; otherwise, returns False.
  • str.isupper(): Returns True if all characters in the string are uppercase letters; otherwise, returns False.
  • str.istitle(): Returns True if the string is in title case (first letter of each word is uppercase); otherwise, returns False.
  • str.isspace(): Returns True if the string contains only whitespace characters; otherwise, returns False.
s1 = "hello"
s2 = "WORLD"
s3 = "Hello World"
s4 = "   "
s5 = "  a  "

# Using islower()
print(s1.islower())  # Output: True
print(s2.islower())  # Output: False

# Using isupper()
print(s1.isupper())  # Output: False
print(s2.isupper())  # Output: True

# Using istitle()
print(s3.istitle())  # Output: True
print(s1.istitle())  # Output: False

# Using isspace()
print(s4.isspace())  # Output: True
print(s5.isspace())  # Output: False

String Formatting:

In Python, there are multiple ways to format strings with variable values. Three commonly used methods include the % operator, the str.format() method, and f-strings (introduced in Python 3.6).

1. Using the % Operator

he % operator is used for formatting strings with placeholders like %s for strings, %d for integers, and %f for floats.

name = 'Alice'
age = 30
height = 5.6

formatted_string = "%s is %d years old and %.1f feet tall." % (name, age, height)
print(formatted_string)  # Output: Alice is 30 years old and 5.6 feet tall.


  • %s for strings
  • %d for integers
  • %f for floating-point numbers (use for n decimal places)

2. Using the format() Method

The str.format() method offers greater flexibility and readability in string formatting. You can use curly braces {} as placeholders and call the format() method with the values you want to insert.

name = 'Alice'
product = 'Smartphone'
price = 499.99
quantity = 3

formatted_string = "{} costs ${:.2f} and there are {} available.".format(product, price, quantity)
print(formatted_string)  # Output: Smartphone costs $499.99 and there are 3 available.

Key Features:

  • You can use indexed placeholders {0}, {1}, etc., for ordering.
  • Named placeholders can also be used for clarity: {“name”: name}.

3. Using f-Strings (Python 3.6+)

f-strings offer a modern way to format strings, allowing for inline expressions and variable references directly within the string.

name = 'Bob'
salary = 75000
years = 5

formatted_string = f"{name} earns ${salary} per year and has been working for {years} years."
print(formatted_string)  # Output: Bob earns $75000 per year and has been working for 5 years.


  • Readable and concise.
  • Supports expressions directly inside the curly braces.


Strings are a fundamental part of Python, offering rich functionality for manipulation and processing. With various built-in methods, Python strings provide the tools needed for formatting, slicing, splitting, and transforming text data, making them essential in most applications.

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