Data types are used to define the type of data or value stored in a variable. They determine how the data is stored, processed, and manipulated in a program. Based on the value provided, the data type will be assigned automatically in Python.
To check the type of data it is: use type(data) -> A Predefined function
Table of Contents
Python contains the following inbuilt data types
- Numeric:
- Integer (int) : Whole numbers (eg: 0,1,2….)
- Float (float) : Decimals numbers(eg: 10.2,11.0,2.222…)
- Complex: Number is in the form of Real and imaginary (20+30j)
- Boolean (bool):
- True
- False
- None Type: None
- Sequential types:
- String
- List
- Tuple
- Range
- Set
- Dictionary
Types of Data types:
Numeric Datatypes
Integer (int):
Used to represent whole numbers (non-decimal values)
a = 10
print(type(a)) # Output: class <int>
Float (float):
Used to represent decimal values (point values).
f = 1.2234
print(type(f)) # Output: class <float>
Bool datatype:
- This data type is used to represent boolean values.
- The only possible values for this data type are True and False.
- Internally, Python represents True as 1 and False as 0.
t = True
type(t) # bool
a = 100
b = 200
c = a < b
print(c) # Output: True
# Demonstrating arithmetic with boolean values
True + True # Output: 2
True - False # Output: 1
None datatype:
The None data type represents an object with no defined value. If an object has no value, we can assign it the None type.
a = None
print(a) # None
print(type(a)) # Output : <class ‘NoneType’>
Sequential data types
String (str):
- str is a short form representation of String.
- It is a sequence of characters enclosed in either single quotes (‘KSR’) or double quotes (”KSR”) or triple quotes (” ” ” KSR” ” ”) or (”’ KSR ”’).
- It is immutable in nature (means once created can’t change it by using code)
- It allows duplicates
- We will discuss string in more detail in the upcoming chapter on string data type.
- All types of quotes are used to represent single-string literals. (mostly single & double quotes used).
s = 'KSR Datavizon'
s = ''KSR Datavizon''
Triple single or double quotes are used to represent multiple lines of string literals.
s = '''KSR
Python Class '''
s = '' '' ''KSR
Python Class '' '' ''
- A list is a data structure in Python that stores a group of values.
- A group of data enclosed in square brackets [] and each value separated with a comma ‘ , ‘.
- It is mutable in nature (means once created we can change it by using code)
- It allows duplicates
- We will discuss lists in more detail in the upcoming chapter on list data type.
lst=[10, 20, 30, 40]
print(lst) # output: [10,20,30,40]
print(type(lst)) # Output: <class 'list'>
- A tuple data type stores a group of values and is enclosed by parenthesis.
- It is immutable in nature and allows duplicates.
- We will cover tuples in more detail in the upcoming chapter on tuple data type.
t=(1, 2, 3, 4)
print(t) # Output: (1,2,3,4)
print(type(t)) # Output: <class 'tuple'>
- The range data type represents a sequence of numbers.
- It is immutable in nature and duplicates are not allowed.
- It is commonly used in loops and other places that need a sequence of numbers
- While it doesn’t store all the numbers in memory like other data types, it creates an object that represents the sequence.
- range(stop): Generates numbers from 0 to stop – 1.
- range(start, stop): Generates numbers from start to stop – 1.
- range(start, stop, step): Generates numbers from start to stop – 1, incrementing by step.
Example 1: Basic Range
for i in range(5):
This generates numbers from 0 to 4.
Example 2: Range with Start and Stop
for i in range(2, 6):
This generates numbers from 2 to 5.
Example 3: Range with Step
for i in range(1, 10, 2):
This generates numbers ranging from 1 to 9, incrementing by 2.
Example 4: Using range to Create a List
numbers = list(range(5))
Output: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Here, range(5) is used to generate a list of numbers from 0 to 4.
- A set data type stores a collection of unique values within curly braces {}.
- Sets are unordered and do not allow duplicate values.
- It is mutable in nature.
- We will cover the set in more detail in the upcoming chapter on set data structures.
Example 1: Basic Set Creation
my_set = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Output: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Example 2: Creating a Set with Duplicate Values
my_set = {1, 2, 3, 4, 4,2}
Output: {1, 2, 3, 4}
Example 3: Using a Set with Mixed Data Types
my_set = {1, 'hello', 3.14}
Output: {1, 'hello', 3.14}
Dictionary (dict):
- A dictionary data type stores a collection of key-value pairs within curly braces {}.
- Each key in a dictionary must be unique, and it maps to a specific value.
- It is mutable in nature.
- We will cover the dict in more detail in the upcoming chapter on dict data structures.
Example 1: Basic Dictionary Creation
d = {'name': 'Rohit', 'age': 30, 'city': 'New York'}
Output: {'name': 'Rohit', 'age': 30, 'city': 'New York'}
Here, d is a dictionary with keys ‘name’, ‘age’, and ‘city’, each associated with a corresponding value.
Example 2: Accessing Values
print(d['name']) # Output: Rohit
print(d['age']) # Output: 30
Values are accessed using their keys.
Example 3: Adding or Updating Key-Value Pairs
d['email'] = '' # Adding a new key-value pair
d['age'] = 32 # Updating an existing key-value pair
Output: {'name': 'Rohit', 'age': 32, 'city': 'New York', 'email': ''}
Here, a new key-value pair is added, and an existing key’s value is updated.
Understanding data types is fundamental in Python as they dictate how data is stored, manipulated, and used in operations. Python offers a rich set of data types to handle various kinds of data, making it versatile for different programming needs.
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